Friday, March 16, 2012

LEO gets his first Shiatzu Massage


Happy 22nd Birthday & Huge Congratulations to our oldest daughter, Danielle for her successful completion of her Esthetician's License from Catherine Hinds. She has decided to continue on for the extended program because she loves it so much she wants to do it all! Danielle was very upset to see LEO suffering from a random panic attack a few Saturdays ago. She decided to put her newly aquired skills to use! She sat down on the floor right beside poor LEO and began what she called, "The Shiatzu Massage".  She demonstrated to all of us how to find his pressure points and apply just enough pressure with her fingers at each point along his body. I was afraid this might take forever since he is an extra long basset, but she seemed fine with it. She was so calm, and she strongly reinforced that whoever gives him these massages in the future would have to be sure to be calm. Well, I guess that means I'm out!  She continued the massage and slowly but surely the crazy hyper panting, drooling and intense shaking subsided. LEO really seemed to enjoy this treatment and he did calm down. The only downfall is: As soon as she stopped, he started panicking again and who has time to give Shiatzu massages  to anxiety ridden basset hounds all day long? Once in awhile, sure, but 10x a day, I don't think so!
I wonder what will be next?  Acupuncture or doggie yoga? Stay Tuned!

1 comment:

  1. leo is absolutely one of the cutests dogs ever!!!! I wish him luck with all his problems !!poor LEO and hopefully there is a medicine or a treatment for this poor doggie!!!keep us posted on his progress!!<3


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